Volunteering in Health

Can you spare an hour a week?

Volunteers urgently needed!

Volunteering in Health is a small local independent charity based in Teignmouth, Devon.  We rely on volunteers to support our elderly, isolated and vulnerable people in the community. We provide a very wide range of services including driving people to medical appointments, befriending, shopping, benefits advice, memory cafes, carers meetings, coffee mornings, hospital volunteering – the list goes on and on. You name it we do it to help support and improve people’s quality of life.

Volunteering in Health are calling for people to volunteer in their community, for just an hour a week. Tina Graham, Manager, said “We are desperate for people to join us in a variety of roles. An hour a week can make all the difference to someone’s life. We pay all expenses which covers the cost of running a car. Everyone has something they can give – with the range of services we provide we urgently need new volunteers especially for driving and befriending. With the winter approaching and the dark nights drawing in, many people will not see anybody from one week to the next.”

Claire joined as a volunteer and offers befriending to Edna.  She said “I moved to Teignmouth in October 2011 and, being new to the area and not in employment, I wanted to get involved in my new community.  I was introduced to Edna who I have been visiting for around 18 months for an hour or two a week which fits easily in around my work schedule and other commitments.  Edna, like many people in Teignmouth, had periods through the week where she was lonely and didn’t see anybody and I am glad to be able to make a difference in that regard. We sometimes sit and just chat and have a cuppa and a biscuit, some days we will make cards, something Edna struggles to do on her own these days”.  Edna, 93, said “I really enjoy seeing Claire and look forward to the visit every week. If she didn’t come round I wouldn’t see anyone at all.  It is difficult for me to get out and about, but with Claire`s help she makes that possible.  It’s a real treat”

Malcolm has been a volunteer driver for 3 years “My specific contribution to volunteering is driving people to medical appointments.  Mileage expenses cover my fuel costs and are a significant contribution towards running my car. The patient benefits as they have a one to one service as we often stay with patients therefore we are able to bring them straight home at the end of their appointment without any waiting around.  It is a win-win situation.  I can work the hours that suit me and use my experience of life to help others through what sometimes is a very stressful situation.”

Tina Graham added that “We can always find a way to use a willing volunteer.  We need people to help fundraise, the list goes on!  Do not be shy in coming forward.  You will be made to feel very welcome and will be very much appreciated.  Training will be given and volunteering can be a first step towards paid employment.”

If you feel you can help or want to find out more, please contact Tina Graham, Manager, on 01626 774484 or email tina.graham@nhs.net

For more information, visit www.volunteeringinhealth.co.uk.

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